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And Mrs. Labatt had set their minds to something, and signaled that their decision was final.“I’ll be in touch with your mom and dad, shortly, to finalize the arrangement for that trip in late July, regardless of your being here in London or up in Timmins,” Mr. Labatt said.Just then, the doorbell rang announcing that our Chinese food had arrived.As we chowed down on the various Chinese dishes at the Labatt’s extra-large eat-in breakfast nook, Cathy asked out of the blue, “You guys have any idea about how to go about finding a new drummer, bass player, and possible saxophonist?”“I haven’t and don’t want to think about that, Cathy,” Sammy said as she made short work of her third eggroll.When Paul and Jennifer caught Lynette staring at me after Cathy’s question, Paul nodded to Jennifer who immediately asked, “What’s running through your heads, Cano, Cuda?”“If Sammy doesn’t want to talk about it, I’m not going to say anything to upset her,” Lynette said after I nodded at her to respond. "You know that is a good idea. We could get a pretty young thing to play you," Marty said, with a laugh."Yeah, one with boobs, so the men will watch," I agreed. "Now pay for the breakfast and let's get the last day in the real world started. Next stop, never, never land."The bikes started on the first try, just as they had every other morning. The tanks were full and the tires were as well, so we headed for California. First, we had several hours of the Arizona hills to climb. I was pretty sure that I was working off some of that excess weight I had been having trouble getting off. Too much of my day back home was spent in a chair or behind the wheel of my minivan. The trip had been a really good experience for my body.The bikes would run like hell downhill, and even do up to thirty on the flat, but climbing any hill more than a block long started to bleed power from the engine. A long rocky mountain foothill ended with me pedaling like hell to keep the bike from stalling. That isn't.
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